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Sepers Nursery
Sepers Nursery boasts a diverse assortment of container plants that range from evergreen to deciduous shrubs, perennials, ferns, ground covers, and ornamental grasses. Among their extensive collection, some of the most prominent genera include Astilbe, Azalea, Buddleia, Buxus, Carex, Euonymus, Hemerocallis, Hosta, Hydrangea, Ilex, Juniperus, Lagerstroemia, Miscanthus, Pennisetum, Rosa, Spiraea, Vaccinium, Viburnum, and Weigela. Beyond these, the nursery offers numerous other genera to cater to every gardener's need. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, Sepers Nursery is sure to have something special for every green thumb.
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